That they need to eat to lose weight fast? The best products for weight loss – the list!

There are many different ways and workout programs for weight loss, but some regular exercise is not enough to reach the high scores. We need to understand that an important role in fat burning to play a proper and balanced diet. The problem of healthy nutrition is very important, because from what you eat, depends not only on success in sports, but in the same way: your state of mind, appearance, integrity and health in general. Therefore, in this article I will try to give answers to the "hot" questions such as: What are the basic principles of proper nutrition? That they need to eat to lose weight fast? What are the best products for weight loss? List!

Proper nutrition and sports

Diet (life-style, power mode) – in the first place, the rules of food intake. The diet is characterized by factors such as: calories, chemical composition, physical properties of the products, the time and the frequency of meals.

  • Rule n ° 1 — More protein
  • Rule n ° 2 — Less carbs
  • Rule N ° 3 — Water
  • Rule n ° 4 — Harmful fats and useful
  • Rule n ° 5 — the principle of fat burning
  • Menu for a week
  • The best products for weight loss

5 principles of weight loss

No. 1. Every day you must consume a sufficient amount of protein-rich foods. If the amount of protein will not be sufficient, then you may lose a significant part of muscle mass in addition to fat, that you are lucky burn. A sufficient amount of protein to help maintain lean mass. in a period of low caloric content.

As a general rule, for guys who are trying to lose weight, the rate of protein is 2g per 1kg of body weight (for example, if the weight of a boy of 80kg, then you need to 80 multiply by 2 and you get to the end of the rate of proteins). Girls also need a little less than: 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight (for example, if the weight of a girl is 70kg, then you need to 70 multiply by 1.5, and at the end we will have the daily requirement of protein). If your goal is not to lose weight, and drying the body, then the rate of proteins, as for the boys and the girls is increasing (boys: 2.8 g – 3.5 g * 1 kg / girls: 2g – 2.7 g * kg-1).

The best sources of protein-rich foods to the diet: fillets of turkey, chicken fillet, hake, cod, cod, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites (can be a couple of egg yolks). Make sure that your diet was attended by all the types of protein-rich foods, as well as in each product its unique set of amino acids.

Caloric Deficit for weight loss

No. 2. Eat less carbohydrates. The lack of carbohydrates helps you lose weight more quickly, as well as due to the lack of carbohydrates are the main source of energy is fat. Maintain the level of carbs per day: 50 – 100 grams. But this does not mean that if you ate 300g of carbs, once you need to cut everything and move to 50 – 100 grams. No, so I can't do. Everything must be done without solution of continuity, otherwise, in the final analysis, the accumulation of fat in more compared to throw it out. Cut 30 – 50g of carbohydrates each week until you get to 50 – 100g per day.

Choose sources of complex carbs (buckwheat, rice, oats, barley). Carbohydrates are to feed your body with the energy for a long time. So, in the diet must be present in simple carbohydrates (fruit, berries). But simple carbs should not be too (a rate of about 20%). And don't forget the vegetables. Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, which has a positive influence on the process of weight loss and the GASTROINTESTINAL tract.

No. 3. Drinking a sufficient amount of water. Water is the foundation of our body, which is involved in many vital processes. We are made up of 60% water, so we only need to drink every day a sufficient amount of clean water. The health and well-being directly depends on the quality and quantity of the liquid. And it is not strange, effective, the process of burning fat also depends on the amount of drinking water.

First: when the body goes into a small amount of liquid increases the viscosity of the blood. Because of this, the oxygen is more slowly enters cells, which in turn slows down the process of fat burning.

In the second place: the water speeds up the metabolism, and as you already know, the faster your metabolism, the faster is the process of burning fat.

In the third place: water toxins from the body, excess salts, and toxins (such as if wet, and clean the body).

Those who are in need of water?

The water

For girls – 40 ml * kg-1 of body weight (for example, a girl of 60 kg should drink per day 2400 ml or 2.4 l, as well as 40 ml * 60 kg = 2400 ml).

For young men – 50 ml * kg-1 of body weight (for example, a guy weighing 100 kg, you must drink per day to 5000 ml or 5 liters, as well as 50 ml * 100 kg = 5000 ml).

No. 4. Eliminate from the diet foods with a high level of bad fats (animal fats, margarine, butter, and most pastry products). Eat to a minimum the types of fats, such as: egg yolks, cheese and sunflower oil. The best products for weight loss (the list) in the form of fatty acids is: flax seed oil, olive oil, nuts, fatty fish and avocado. Very often, people of completely eliminating fat from your diet, and this is their error. You can not completely abandon fatty acids, as this can cause a hormonal imbalance. Just delete the bad fats and add good. The daily rate for boys and girls = 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

N ° 5. And, finally, the main and the most important principle to lose weight is the strict observance of this rule, which sounds like this: "we need to get fewer calories, that are able to spend for a day". This means that you need to eat to eat less and move more. Only in this case you will burn the subcutaneous fat.