Preferred Diet

Diet with an unusual name "Favorite," every day is gaining its popularity among those looking to lose weight. Can be attributed to the more rapid and radical weight loss methods. To diet you can lose excess weight in a permanent way and without exhausting hunger strike once and for all.



Commercial diet, in fact, that is loved by all to get results in a short time without damage to health. This is not a grueling fasting or not it is delicious, but also useful food. On the contrary, your daily diet will be composed of several products. With their help, you will be able to restore 7-10 kg in a single week. The essence is a daily mono-diet for 5, 7, 10 or 14 days. For example, a day exclusively of vegetables, a second protein, the third is based on the consumption of fruits, etc. Simple, but at the same time, strict diet requires a clear compliance and consistency – in this the main key to success. The cleaning of the body before the diet will help to protect the body from intoxication and to prevent discomfort.

The principles of the diet preferred:

  • Do not skip the diet days or change their positions.
  • The king in possession of diet is not recommended before a year.
  • The absence of limits in portions and the abuse of food.
  • A few days before the diet it is worth to abandon the consumption of sweets, starchy foods and fats.
  • If you have constipation it is worth to organize the work of the intestine.

Before you go on a diet, take a couple of suggestions in a note:

  1. It would not be appropriate to supplement the diet sport. The exercise does not take you due to benefit, but only takes strength and will form a sense of jora. Remember, any physical activity on the body are possible only with a good supply.
  2. Purified water should be on your daily menu, it is nice to dim the sense of a growing hunger and cleanses the body as a whole. But not worth the trouble to replace the water in the food. Wash the food, not worth the effort, this has a negative influence on the concentration of the gastric juice. Better a glass of drink half an hour before meals and half an hour after its consumption.

Pros and cons

As any preferred diet has advantages and disadvantages.


  • the rapid weight loss 7 to 10 kg in a week;
  • the amount of food that can be any;
  • short course;
  • clean the intestine of harmful substances.


  • do a regular diet is not possible, this will cause irreparable harm to health;
  • in the process it may worsen some chronic diseases;
  • there is the possibility of increased blood pressure;
  • the diet consists of small amounts of macro and micronutrients, and then once at the end of the course it is necessary to further their ca.


  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract;
  • chronic renal failure, gastritis;
  • pathology of the heart;
  • the increase of pressure;
  • the tendency to the mental health of temperature;
  • a slow metabolism.

Recommended products

product groups

Deposit diet – low-calorie meals. Therefore, a daily portion should not exceed 1000 kcal. Drinking water days of diet can be accompanied by drinking, purified water. Let's say that the following list of products:

  • yogurt to see which type of yogurt is best for weight loss);
  • broths;
  • milk, yogurt, and low fat content;
  • composed of fruit;
  • fruit and vegetable juices.

In the course of dietary days it is forbidden to drink artificially sweetened carbonated liquid, alcohol, sugar and salt. On vegetable days you can activate all the vegetables of your choice, but the most important will be the cabbage. She is able to speed up the metabolism and help you burn fat cells. As a condiment it is best to use vegetable oil. Its recommended to eat it by the spoonful every day, regardless of the menu, as it is for the oil promotes the regeneration of the fatty acids in the body. From mayonnaise or sour cream should be abandoned. The vegetables can be, cheese, boiled and baked, form.

Variety of menu diet favorite

A period that may extend the diet, you can decide for yourself. It can take from 5 days to 14 days. The standard course is 7 days, but not all reach the desired results this time, then, are forced to continue to lose weight even for a few days. In order to correctly assess their strength and carefully read the menu for the desired period. Your daily diet will consist of vegetables, drinking water, fruit, and combined days. Their sequence will depend on the period of time in which you want to lose weight. Consider the food in detail.


The purified water, which must be consumed in a given day, in quantity not less than 2 liters, are allowed and other liquids. These include dairy products, broths, herbal teas (not sweet), 1% yoghurt, milk and fresh fruit juices. With the latest abuse is not worth, as well as 150 ml of the drink may contain a small amount of calories. Juice concentrate better to dilute with water in a ratio of 50 to 50. The salt consumption in this period is not smoking, she has a negative impact on the functioning of the kidneys. For the first day you will be able to break free from a few pounds of excess weight, in this way, the water comes out from the body. On this day, best break free from work, so as not to be excluded that the weakness in the body, lungs, dizziness and nausea. All of the above symptoms should not scare you. This reaction of the body due to a deficiency of protein.


The vegetables in this period can eat in any form and quantity, with the exception of the fried in oil. Eating foods that are better every few hours to 300 kcal., that eliminates the appearance of hunger, and will provide a complete feed. As a condiment you can use the yogurt, lemon juice, soy sauce (high-quality) or the olive oil.


Almost all fruit and berries, which do not have an allergy, you can eat in any quantity, but only not to eat too much, otherwise there may be problems with the chair. Banana, peach, mango, grapes and avocado oil – under the ban. Highly recommended to eat the grapefruit which help to burn fat cells. During the day you can consume on the order of 3 kg of fruit, and drink water at any volume.


proteinata group

Throughout the day you will saturate the body proteins, the origin of which is chicken breast, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and yogurt. But we must not delude ourselves. The portion should be no more than 350 kcal.


For these days is it allowed to use hard-boiled eggs, fruit, vegetables, soups, fish and dairy products. But in small portions. In the morning you can drink the tea without sugar and take your breakfast with eggs, dinner, cook fat-free soup, and as a snack, use apples or carrots, dinner of boiled fish. The salt you should add in small portions. Not to suspend the excretion of fluids from the body.

The diet for 5 days

Less than a week, the body has time to cleanse themselves of toxins, and weight loss can reach 6-8 kg. Diagram for 5 days will be the following:

  • On the water.
  • Combined: are allowed in the diet of fruits and vegetables.
  • Protein-rich foods.
  • Drinking (varies).
  • Of vegetables.

All types of meats, canned goods and flour products at the end of the period of five days not to eat the other 3 days.

Diet for 7 days

A week of menu more simple for the body and effective. One week diet is the following:

  • Drinking (except liquids broths, soups not creamy).
  • On the vegetables.
  • Drinking.
  • Fruit (excluding bananas).
  • Drinking (we drink only water and yogurt).
  • Proteins (not more than 300 g for 1 meal).
  • Complete (combine fruits, vegetables, and protein foods).

How to get the maximum effect of the diet for 7 days, and that diet should adhere to see in this video:

Diet for 10 days

In 10 days the products is structure as follows:

  • 1-3 day – water and yogurt 1%.
  • 4-6 days – fruit, in particular apples.
  • 7-9 day – protein, such as boiled chicken and eggs.
  • Day 10 – dry wine (natural, preferably home-made) cheese and semolina (with the lowest fat content).

The diet for 12 days

Almost two weeks are divided into 4 phases:

  1. The first three are allowed to eat only yogurt of any fat and water that you can drink in any quantity.
  2. The next three days – fruit. Water, fruit juices without pulp and tea without sugar – without limits.
  3. From the 7th to the 9th day are allowed to eat protein-rich foods in reasonable amounts (a portion of about 300 kcal.). Of liquid water only natural.
  4. In the last days, it is recommended to pomegranate, grape juice, red wine and slices of cheese.

The diet for 14 days

Diet Menu for 14 days is almost the twin option the week, and has the following appearance:

On the first day. Drinking all the liquids, with the exception of alcohol).

On the second day. Vegetables (all vegetables steamed or boiled form).

On the third day. Drinking: it is fully duplicate the day no. 1. The recommendations are the same: the water in the amount of not less than 2 litres of water per day, fruit juices, soups and dairy products and low calorie content.


On the fourth day. It on the fruit.

Fifth day. Drinking. On this day, treat yourself to a great quantity of liquid. The diet is identical to the first and third day.

Sixth day. Protein.

Seventh-day. Complete.

The next seven days, repeat the menu of the first week.

Favorite strict diet

If you want to get the maximum effect, you can use the option strict preferred diet, which is the following:

Day N ° 1 – Suitable For Drinking. We try to rid the body of excess food. Drink only water.

Day No. 2 – Plant. The use is permitted only one type of vegetables. For example, carrot, cucumber, tomato, cabbage (various types).

Day No. 3 – Drinking. Try to eat food in liquid form: 1% yogurt, broth, water.

Day # 4 – Fruity. The menu of this day will be composed of a single type of fruit. For example, apples or plums, but not more than 1 kg.

Day n. 5 – Choose from a list of proteins must do one thing. This can be boiled chicken, cheese or fish.

Day n ° 6 – On the water.

Day n ° 7 – Complete: there may be a variety of fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy products.

The output right

Gradual output provides the anchor effect resulting. Therefore, the transition should be carried out without problems, which excludes uncontrollable eating food in large quantities. As a snack are valid fruit. Cereals on the menu are just a plus. For not gaining lost weight again, it is recommended to consume the products of the seventh day in the course of the week, after the end of the diet. Every day it is necessary to introduce a new ingredient in their menu. Controls calorie, daily diet still should not exceed 1000 kcal. Once a week, dedicated the day, that will be for you to drain. Now you know how to lose weight once and for all, without harm for health. But remember that any diet is a shock to the body, which can be treated with lightness. Take into consideration all the tips and part with the excess weight in pleasure.