Calorie Counting

Rapid advances in scientific knowledge in the field of weight loss are bearing fruit. A growing number of approaches offer new, radical perspectives on the mechanisms of weight loss. Many of them criticized calorie counting, although previously this method was considered the main method, accepted by almost all diets and used in many methods.Count calories to lose weightHow many calories should a person eat each day to lose weight? How to calculate daily calories? How do you determine your calorie intake once you know your weight and height? How important are these skills? Let’s take a closer look in this article.

Why you need to count calories

Calorie counting is based on the law of conservation of energy – one of the most important and fundamental laws of nature. It always works, which is why it's an important part of the most effective weight loss methods. Knowledge and understanding of this issue will help you effectively and successfully address important weight loss-related issues and achieve your desired results.From a biological perspective, one calorie is the amount of energy required to heat one gram of water one degree Celsius under normal atmospheric conditions. This value is very small, so the daily caloric intake must be calculated as a larger value - kilocalories.Not everyone thinks about how much energy the body spends performing daily tasks. Scientists have found that the average female body consumes about a thousand calories to maintain life functions. Thus, respiration, heart rate, muscle tone, peristalsis, constant body temperature and other processes occurring in the body are ensured. For men, this number is slightly larger at 1, 800 calories. This value has a special name - basal or basal metabolism. To determine it, special formulas or special equipment are needed - body composition analyzers and metabolometers.Components are the main ones, but there are other energy costs beyond that. Physical activity also involves burning calories. A leisurely walk burns around 150 calories per hour, while vigorous exercise burns more - up to 400-500 calories. Calories consumed daily are used to sustain human life. All energy that is not used by the body is stored. That is why for effective and significant weight loss, it is necessary to create a daily energy deficit, the size of which should be approximately 500-700 calories. To get the desired effect, you can count the calories yourself or use a ready-made menu.

Expert Opinion

Considering that calorie counting is based on the law of conservation of energy—a law of nature as fundamental as gravity—we could argue that calories are obsolete or inconvenient, just like gravity. Try throwing a pen or pencil above you - everything will become clear. The laws of nature are always valid. They are the basis of all effective weight loss methods. Knowing and understanding these rules can help you effectively and successfully address important issues and weight loss-related problems. So what are calories?1 calorie is the energy required to heat 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. This is a very small value, so calories are usually measured in kilocalories. The female body uses approximately 1, 500 calories per day to maintain vital functions (heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, peristalsis, body temperature, and other processes), and the male body consumes approximately 1, 800 calories per day. The energy used by the body to maintain life is called basal metabolism. To calculate this value more accurately, there are special devices - body composition analyzers and metabolometers.This part of energy consumption is the main one, but not the only one. Physical activity also uses energy, but it uses less energy. For example, strenuous exercise such as swimming and cycling only consumes 150-250 kcal of energy for 60 minutes, depending entirely on the intensity of the exercise. To achieve significant weight loss, you need to generate an energy deficit of approximately 500-700 kcal from these figures. In other words, women need to consume less than 1, 200 kcal per day, and men around 1, 500 kcal per day to lose weight steadily without affecting the body. Damage is caused to the body and all its systems. You can then do this in two ways: directly counting calories or introducing indirect calorie restriction through diet and dietary choices.Direct calorie counting requires some skill and perseverance in the early stages, but for many people it is more effective than any weight loss diet. How to count calories? To do this, you need to know the mass of the product (after weighing it on an electronic food scale), know the calorie content per 100 grams of the product, and also have paper, a pen, a calculator and a few minutes on hand. Therefore, the process of weight loss is a change in the balance between energy input and expenditure. The most direct and simple method that everyone can use is to limit the caloric content of food by counting calories. If the appropriate caloric content is observed, according to the law of conservation of energy, the decomposition of fat will be guaranteed. However, the direct method of counting calories also has its drawbacks. First of all, it does not report anything about satiety: for example, for the same figure of 1200 kcal per day, you can be very full or very hungry, it all depends on the diet, with a product that contains 1200 kcal - that's two bars of chocolateor five mature meals made from permitted healthy foods. Secondly, if you mistakenly choose a low-calorie diet, you will lose weight, but this may bring health risks - for example, if the diet lacks protein, not only will you lose fat, but you may also lose muscle tissue. . Third, you won't be counting calories for the rest of your life; after losing weight, you need to develop other mechanisms and habits to maintain the weight. These and other reasons make caloric intake a necessary but not the only tool in the weight loss process.

formula for calculating calories

You can use the following two formulas to calculate your daily calorie intake for weight loss.The Harris-Benedict formula was developed and introduced to people in 1919 by renowned scientists Francis Garneau Benedict and James Arthur Harris. It comes in two varieties: for men and for women.66 + [13. 7 x weight (kg)] + [5 x height (cm)] - [6. 76 x age (years)] - male;655 + [9. 6 x weight (kg)] + [1. 8 x height (cm)] - [4. 7 x age (years)] - Female.This calculation may not be correct for modern metropolitan residents, as this study was conducted at the beginning of the last century. This nuance should be taken into account when counting calories, especially for people with a body mass index above established standards.The Mifflin-St. George formula was developed much later - in the late nineties of the last century. It is considered the most accurate and popular today.Male - [9. 99 x weight (kg)] + [6. 25 x height (cm)] - [4. 92 x age (years)] + 5;Female - [9. 99 x weight (kg)] + [6. 25 x height (cm)] - [4. 92 x age (years)] -161.The formula takes into account the specifics of nutrition and other characteristics of the modern world. However, it does not take into account the percentage of fat and muscle tissue.Calorie counting algorithm for weight lossThe ability to correctly calculate calories burned is the first step towards a healthy, beautiful body. This technology does not impose any restrictions on specific products. However, if you consider your entire diet on a daily basis, you will find that eating a plate of meat salad is much better than eating a small piece of chocolate or some kind of candy product. Their caloric content is roughly the same, but their nutritional value is significantly different.Counting calorie intake is considered an effective weight loss method and is included in many weight loss systems. This is explained by the following advantages:
  • This approach provides a sound approach to nutrition without stress or strict restrictions. The body easily tolerates a new diet;
  • The ability to calculate the number of calories consumed allows you to choose a complete diet rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, which distinguishes this technology from various types of diets and fastings;
  • Everyone can independently determine how many calories they need to consume each day. There are dedicated online weight loss calorie calculators for this purpose. This may be useful for those who do not have access to competent specialists or weight loss clinics due to their residence far from urban centers, various material restrictions and living circumstances;
  • Calorie Counter will allow you to calculate your meals for free, including your favorite dishes, and ensure that protein, fat and carbohydrate ratios are met.
The calculation algorithm consists of three consecutive steps: calculating basal metabolic rate, determining daily activity, and calculating the final result. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Step 1: Calculate your basal metabolic rate

First, the basal metabolic rate should be calculated using one of the most convenient formulas. For example, a woman with a height of 170 cm, a weight of 75 kg, and an age of 36 years should consume no less than:655+9. 6×75+1. 8×170-4. 7×36=1512 kcalThis energy is enough to sustain life.

Step 2: Determine your daily activities

The resulting value of basal metabolism must be multiplied by the activity factor:
  • 1. 2 – Low activity level, no exercise at all;
  • 1. 375 – Sedentary lifestyle, light physical activity 1-2 times per week;
  • 1. 55——Average activity level, sufficient load, 2-4 times per week;
  • 1. 725 - Active lifestyle, active work, training about 5 times a week;
  • 1. 9 – High activity level, active work, daily active training.
Assuming a woman works out three times a week, then:1512 kcal×1. 55=2344 kcalThis value is the daily required standard. This is the number of calories you need to consume each day.

Step 3: Calculate the final result

To get the final result, you need to subtract 500-700 kcal from the resulting value - this is exactly how much you need to burn every day to lose weight.2344 – 500(700) = 1844 (1644) kcal – This is exactly how many calories your body needs to start losing weight.Practice shows that maintaining normalcy on a daily basis is difficult. Nutritionists recommend setting a minimum lower limit and a maximum upper limit. This will help avoid meltdowns: if you really want something forbidden, you can eat it. But the next day, lower the bar a bit:
  • Upper limit: calorie standard +100;
  • Lower limit: Calorie standard – 200.
In addition, it is recommended to maintain the ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates:
  • 10-25% protein in daily diet;
  • Fat – 20-35%;
  • Carbohydrates – 45-65%.
These ratios may vary slightly depending on the specific goal: weight loss, weight gain, muscle growth.Losing weight quickly and effectively at home doesn't have to be difficult. Counting calories reduces restrictions and allows you to enter your favorite foods. The main thing is to keep a careful diary and write down every product and sugar cube consumed. But weight loss clinics offer a special weight loss technique. It is based on a comprehensive approach, combining nutrition and psychology. This allows you to achieve optimal results and lose weight effectively.

Calorie table

Food calorie charts will help you prepare your daily meals. It contains basic products that are usually the basis of a diet. As with all other products purchased in stores, the calorie content, protein, fat and carbohydrate content are stated on the packaging.


Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
dry cream 23. 0 42. 7 26. 3 579. 0
whole milk powder 26. 0 25. 0 37. 5 476. 0
skimmed milk powder 37. 9 1. 0 49. 3 350. 0
Condensed milk with sugar 7. 2 8. 5 56. 0 320. 0
milk 3. 2 3. 6 5. 1 61. 0
Sour cream, 30% fat twenty four thirty, 3. 1 294. 0
fatty cheese 14. 0 18. 2. 8 232. 0
Cream, 20% fat 2. 8 20. 0 4. 5 206. 0
Cream, 10% fat 2. 8 10. 0 4. 8 118. 0
Full-fat kefir 2. 8 3. 0 3. 6 56. 0
hard cheese 23. 0 29. 0 0. 0 360. 0
"Dutch" cheese 26. 0 26. 8 0. 0 352. 0
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 26. 0 26. 5 0. 0 350. 0
processed cheese 22. 0 27. 0 0. 0 340. 0
Brinza 17. 9 20. 1 0. 0 260. 0
unsalted butter 0. 5 82. 5 0. 8 748. 0
ice cream 3. 3 10. 0 20. 1 179. 0
milk margarine 0. 3 82. 0 1. 0 743. 0
Mayonnaise "Provence" 2. 8 70. 0 2. 6 624. 0

bread and cereals

Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
Wheat flour, whole wheat flour 10. 3 1. 0 69. 0 334. 0
millet crumbs 11. 5 3. 3 67. 2 348. 0
Buckwheat 12. 6 3. 2 54. 3 335. 0
broken rice grains 7. 0 1. 0 73. 2 330. 0
Whole grains 10. 3 1. 0 67. 7 328. 0
barley groats 10: 00 1. 30 66. 31 324. 00
pearl barley 9. 3 1. 1 67. 5 320. 0
Groz "Hercules" 11. 0 6. 2 49. 2 305. 0
oatmeal 11. 0 6. 1 49. 9 303. 0
Wheat bread, whole wheat bread 7. 9 0. 8 50. 1 238. 0
rye bread 6. 6 1. 2 41. 8 181. 0
sugar cookies 7. 5 11. 8 74. 4 436. 0
Cream Cookies 8. 5 10. 8 69. 6 398. 0
Pasta, V. S. 10. 4 1. 1 74. 9 337. 0
buttered bread 7. 6 5. 2 56. 8 295. 0
bread 7. 7 3. 0 53. 3 235. 0
yeast 12. 7 2. 7 0. 0 75. 3

vegetables and fruits

Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
Haricot vert 5. 0 0. 2 13. 8 73. 0
chopped tomatoes 1. 1 0. 2 5. 0 23. 0
Potato 2. 0 0. 4 18. 1 80. 0
eggplant 1. 2 0. 1 6. 9 24. 0
Chinese cabbage 1. 8 0. 2 6. 8 27. 0
Sauerkraut 1. 8 0. 0 3. 2 19. 0
onion 1. 4 0. 0 10. 4 41. 0
onion 1. 3 0. 0 5. 2 19. 0
garlic 6. 5 0. 0 6. 0 46. 0
carrot 1. 3 0. 1 7. 9 30. 0
cucumber 0. 8 0. 1 3. 8 14. 0
Pickle 0. 8 0. 1 twenty three 13. 0
black pepper 1. 3 0. 0 7. 2 27. 0
radish 1. 9 0. 2 8. 0 35. 0
turnip 1. 3 0. 0 3. 1 27. 0
radish 1. 2 0. 1 3. 8 21. 0
salad 1. 5 0. 2 3. 1 17. 0
beet 1. 5 0. 1 12. 8 42. 0
pumpkin 1. 0 0. 1 5. 9 25. 0
spinach 2. 9 0. 3 2. 5 22. 0
pear 0. 4 0. 3 10. 9 49. 0
apple 0. 4 0. 4 11. 8 45. 0
peach 0. 3 0. 1 11. 3 43. 0
apricots 0. 9 0. 1 10. 8 41. 0
orange 0. 9 0. 2 10. 3 40. 0
watermelon 0. 7 0. 2 7. 9 38. 0
melon 0. 6 0. 0 10. 3 38. 0
Grapefruit 0. 9 0. 2 10. 3 35. 0
strawberry 0. 8 0. 4 11. 2 34. 0

Dried fruits and beans

Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
Dried apricots 3. 3 62. 6 30. 8 241. 0
raisin 2. 5 78. 4 16. 5 296. 0
date twenty four 75. 0 20. 5 282. 0
prunes twenty three 65. 6 25. 0 264. 0
Fig 3. 3 63. 8 30. 0 249. 0
Dried apples 3. 2 68. 0 20. 0 273. 0
dried pears twenty three 62. 6 20. 0 249. 0
Dried peaches 3. 0 68. 5 18. 0 274. 0
pea 54. 8 0. 1 8. 5 298. 0
chickpeas 54. 2 20. 1 5. 0 328. 6
soybeans 34. 9 17. 3 17. 3 364. 0
beans 21. 0 2. 0 47. 0 298. 0


Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
pork 11. 7 33. 3 0. 0 491. 0
beef 18. 5 16. 0 0. 0 218. 0
mutton 15. 6 16. 3 0. 0 209. 0
rabbit 21. 1 15. 0 0. 0 183. 0
beef liver 17. 9 3. 7 0. 0 105. 0
beef heart 16. 0 2. 8 0. 0 86. 0
Stewed Pork 14. 9 32. 2 0. 0 349. 0
Stewed beef 16. 8 16. 0 0. 0 220. 0
chicken 18. 2 18. 4 0. 7 241. 0


Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
amateur sausage 17. 3 39. 0 0. 0 420. 0
semi smoked sausage 16. 5 63. 6 0. 0 376. 0
milk sausage 11. 0 22. 8 1. 6 266. 0
doctor's sausage 12. 8 22. 2 1. 5 257. 0
Sausage variations. separation 11. 0 21. 0 0. 0 240. 0


Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
raw eggs 12. 7 11. 5 0. 7 157. 0
mixed 12. 9 11. 6 0. 8 160. 0
protein 10. 5 0. 0 1. 0 50. 0
yolk 16. 7 30. 8 1. 7 358. 0

fish and seafood

Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
Cod liver (canned in oil) 4. 20 65. 70 1. 20 613. 0
salmon 23. 0 12. 0 0. 0 206. 0
shrimp 18. 9 twenty two 0. 0 95. 0
pollock 17. 6 1. 0 0. 0 79. 0
perch 19. 9 3. 6 0. 0 112. 0
salmon 20. 0 8. 3 0. 0 153. 0
tuna 26. 0 1. 0 0. 0 115. 0
cod liver oil) 16. 0 0. 6 0. 0 136. 0
horse mackerel 18. 5 4. 5 0. 0 114. 0
squid 18. 0 4. 2 0. 0 110. 0
Sardines in oil (canned) 16. 0 17. 7 0. 0 223. 0
Mackerel Blanche. in oil 13. 1 25. 1 0. 0 278. 0
Tomato halibut (canned) 12. 6 5. 4 6. 0 125. 0


Product (per 100 grams of product) Protein (grams) Fat (grams) Carbohydrates (grams) Energy value (kcal)
jam 0. 4 0. 2 74. 5 286. 0
waffle 8. 2 19. 8 53. 1 425. 0
blood source 6. 2 2. 8 75. 5 352. 0
Marshmallow 0. 7 0 75. 5 295. 0
iris 3. 1 7. 7 81. 2 384. 0
jam 0. 0 0. 2 77. 1 289. 0
Honey 0. 6 0. 0 80. 5 312. 0
sugar 0. 2 0. 0 99. 6 377. 0