Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet was not developed by researchers in the scientific laboratory.Mediterranean weight loss dietThis nutrition plan has been developed for centuries and is a legacy of different cultures and civilizations. These are not just good words. In 2013, UNESCO listed the Mediterranean diet as the intangible cultural heritage of mankind. In addition, the United Nations recognizes that no matter how strange it sounds, this diet is on the verge of extinction.

What is the Mediterranean diet

Perhaps many people now remember crispy French baguettes with cheese, Italian pizza, pasta, and wine, and they are a little surprised. Somehow, these products are not in line with the healthy diet we are used to hearing. In addition, it is difficult to imagine that such a rich diet can prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and even be useful for weight loss.

I must admit that there is nothing surprising about this kind of surprise. In fact, each year the traditional Mediterranean diet (actually the UNESCO nutrition system) is increasingly different from the diet of modern residents in the Mediterranean. This diet is based on the nutritional principles observed by the grandparents of modern Italians and their neighbors. In the past 50 years, the diet of Mediterranean residents has also been affected by globalization.

What constitutes a diet

Mediterranean diet

Initially, the Mediterranean diet was a group of foods that the poor living in the area could afford. In other words, this is food that people can collect in their gardens, fish in the sea and use it to make cheap and nutritious dishes.

The traditional Mediterranean diet includes the following food groups:

  • Vegetable food (fruits, vegetables);
  • Whole wheat bread, cereals;
  • olive oil;
  • Fish and seafood.

Grains and bread

Approximately 55-60% of the total energy value in the diet is provided by this group of foods. At all times, cereals are an important part of the diet of Mediterranean residents. In their diet, these foods are the main source of carbohydrates and many vitamins and minerals. In the oldest era, under the influence of Egypt, wheat came to the Mediterranean and became one of the main crops. After a while, rice and corn were added to the diet. But traditionally wheat and barley appear on the menu, while oats are mainly used as animal feed. Due to cereal dishes, the Mediterranean diet is beneficial to the nervous system, heart, blood vessels and digestive organs.

olive oil

This product is considered a sign of the Mediterranean diet. It is the main source of healthy fats, vitamins A and E, oleic acid, and phenolic compounds. It is olive oil that makes this diet unique and very beneficial to the body. Scientific research has confirmed that regular consumption of this product can effectively prevent heart disease and Alzheimer's disease, and olive oil can be used as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, the product makes the Mediterranean diet beneficial to skin and internal organ health.

Vegetables and beans

Legumes and vegetables suitable for the Mediterranean diet

Vegetables and legumes Another important part of this ancient food system is vegetables. They are an excellent source of fiber, large amounts of vitamins, trace and macro elements, essential oils and plant ingredients. The beans that have been grown in this area since ancient times are warehouses of plant protein.

The presence of a large number of vegetables makes the diet absolutely useful for all organs and systems of the human body. Many traditional Mediterranean fruits have obvious medicinal value. Such products can be used to lose weight, lower cholesterol, regulate the digestive system, maintain a healthy intestinal flora and improve the heart system. Vegetables rich in minerals and vitamins can prevent anemia, strengthen the immune system, and have antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-cancer properties.

Fruit and honey

The mild Mediterranean climate allows a variety of fruits to be grown in the area. Grapes, pears, figs, dates, pomegranates, apples, papaya, oranges and many other fruits are very popular among seaside residents. Researchers believe that the Mediterranean tradition of ending each meal with fruit desserts originated in Greece. For the residents of this area, another useful delicacy is honey. This nutrient bank was borrowed from the Egyptians many centuries ago. But traditionally in the Mediterranean, it is eaten in small amounts instead of daily.

Wine and grapes

Red wine is recognized as one of the ingredients of the traditional Mediterranean diet. Residents of this area have always liked and often drink wines rich in plant ingredients. The results of modern research have confirmed that an appropriate amount of this product is beneficial to the heart system, immune system and prevention of anemia and cancer. By the way, in ancient times in the Mediterranean, wine was used in a different way than it is today. In the past, it was customary to dilute this sacred drink with water and add honey and spices to it.

Today is allowed to drink 1-2 cups of beverages a day.

Fish and seafood

Seafood for the Mediterranean diet

Since ancient times, fish, seafood and seaweed have been the staple food of coastal residents. For centuries, they have served people as a source of iodine, vitamin D, healthy fats and protein. However, if fresh fish were mainly used before them, today it is increasingly being replaced by less useful canned foods and semi-finished products from the diet.

Meat in the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is not a diet with meat as the main source of protein. Products in this category will not often appear on the menu, if any. In general, red meat is rarely eaten in the Mediterranean, and it is usually eaten in the form of traditional ham. In addition to him, a thin bird who loses weight sometimes appears on the table.

Health benefits

The true Mediterranean food system is based on the dietary traditions of 13 countries located along the coast. In Italy, Greece, Spain, southern France and the Balkans, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria, this food system has been in use for centuries. But only in the 1960s did researchers notice the fact that residents of the Mediterranean region were less likely to suffer from heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. In addition, their life expectancy is much longer. Facts have proved that the reason for this phenomenon lies in the special eating habits of local residents. From the second half of the twentieth century, researchers from all over the world began to study the characteristics of this nutritional system and its impact on the human body more seriously.

The traditional Mediterranean diet consists of a lot of fresh fruits, fish, olive oil, combined with physical exercise, is good for health.

Prevent cardiovascular disease

Giving up red meat and switching to seafood, using olive oil, plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and a small amount of red wine make the Mediterranean diet very healthy for the heart and blood vessels. Observing this nutritional system can prevent high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, prevent excessive thrombosis, and the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, the nutrition of the Mediterranean system can improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.

Support energy

Retirees of the Mediterranean diet

Many people have noticed the fact that retirees in Mediterranean countries look good at their age and lead a very active lifestyle. Researchers attribute this to proper nutrition. The traditional diet of these people is rich in various nutrients, which are not only a good source of energy, but also support muscle tone.

Increase life expectancy

This benefit is closely related to another benefit of diet-the ability to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Research evidence confirms that those who follow the Mediterranean nutrition program are less likely to die suddenly by 20%.

Prevent Alzheimer's and degenerative diseases

This nutritional system helps improve the cognitive function of the brain and reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Researchers attribute this to the consumption of large amounts of olive oil and nuts, which have obvious antioxidant properties that can improve blood flow to the brain and improve its function. In addition, the Mediterranean diet has neuroprotective properties, which can effectively prevent stroke, peripheral neuropathy and impaired brain function.

This food system is considered to be very beneficial for the elderly and those with low stress tolerance.

Prevent respiratory diseases

Recently, researchers have increasingly found evidence that the Mediterranean diet is a good way to improve immunity and prevent lung infections and respiratory diseases. Studies have shown that this diet is very beneficial for smokers because a special set of foods can prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Reduce the risk of cancer

Mediterranean diet can reduce cancer development

This is one of the most famous benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Scientific evidence shows that eating this diet can prevent certain types of cancer, including stomach cancer, bowel cancer, and breast cancer.

Prevent diabetes

Vegetables rich in fiber dominate the diet and help prevent diabetes. Dietary fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, eating according to this plan is beneficial to people who already have diabetes, because it can reduce cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation and prevent capillary fragility.

Other beneficial features:

  • Improve thyroid function;
  • Regulate metabolic processes;
  • Prevent rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults;
  • Improve bone mineralization.

Can this diet lose weight

Studies have shown that people who follow the Mediterranean diet and exercise will not have the problem of being overweight. And all this is because this system is based on the principles of proper and healthy nutrition.

The basic rule of the Mediterranean diet is to eat portions and small portions. The main focus is on fiber-rich plant foods and protein, which are good for fat burning and muscle gain. Most Mediterranean recipes are a healthy combination of meat and plant foods, and contain minimal harmful additives and sugar. Another advantage of this nutritional system is to drink a lot of liquids. After dieting, you must drink at least 6 glasses of purified water every day. As we all know, water is the best helper to lose weight and remove toxins from the body.

Nutritionists have developed a stricter weight loss diet based on the Mediterranean diet. For example, there is a three-soup diet, the essence of which is to eat a traditional Mediterranean diet soup during lunch and dinner (from one week to 21 days): gazpacho, pasta or pesto. In addition to soup, you can also add fish, low-fat cheese, poultry and many vegetables to the menu during weight loss. I must say that the comments about this diet are only positive.

Facts and myths about the Mediterranean diet

Bean Vegetables for the Mediterranean Diet

Many people know that the Mediterranean diet is good for health. But besides the real information, there are many myths about it.

Myth 1: Mediterranean diet is expensive

In fact, adhering to the nutritional principles of a true Mediterranean diet is not as expensive as some people think. Moreover, this diet was originally a set of foods in the diet of the poor in Italy. For modern people, in order to bring their diet closer to the Mediterranean diet, it is enough to add beans or lentils to the menu. These dishes will serve as a source of plant protein and focus on vegetables, vegetables and whole grains. By the way, these products are much cheaper than many unhealthy but well-loved semi-finished products.

Myth 2: Red wine is healthy no matter how much you drink.

In fact, only drinking red wine in moderation is beneficial. Experts have already determined what "medium" means. For women, this is one glass of wine a day, for men-two glasses at most. Only when these norms are not exceeded can people rely on the beneficial effects of red wine on the body, especially on the cardiovascular system.

Myth 3: A lot of pasta and a lot of bread are a Mediterranean diet.

In fact, it is difficult to find an Italian who will eat a lot of pasta. A serving of traditional pasta or other pasta is 55-60 grams, and a serving of 80 grams of pasta is already considered very large. These pasta on the plate will take up very little space. True proponents of the Mediterranean diet will eat most of the fresh vegetables, salads, fish or meat on the plate.

They also rarely eat more than a slice of bread, and they also choose whole-grain products.

Myth 4: The Mediterranean diet is just a bunch of food.

Physical activity combined with the Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean people attach great importance to food choices. They carefully considered the menu for the week. And very few people will finish the prepared dishes in a hurry or in front of the TV. For Mediterranean people, food is an important part of life. But not the most important. Following the Mediterranean diet includes not only using a specific food list, but also following a special lifestyle, one of which is an important part of high-intensity physical exercise.

Myth 5: All vegetable oils are equally good.

In many cases, vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats. But in this category, some products are becoming more and more useful. The Mediterranean diet is best to use extra virgin olive oil or cold-pressed peanut oil. Both products contain monounsaturated fatty acids and are known for a wide range of health benefits. It is best to add olive oil to the salad without heating it. When frying, it is best to use other types, including peanuts, sunflowers, corn, rapeseed, cottonseed, and safflower.

How to make your diet Mediterranean

You should never switch to a new power system suddenly. This advice does not lose its meaning in the context of the Mediterranean diet. In order for the body to feel the transition of the new menu painlessly, nutritionists recommend following a few rules.

Eat more vegetable. Before completely transferring the body to Mediterranean food, it is recommended to gradually get used to the use of large amounts of vegetables. The easiest way is to replace your usual snacks with salads. For example, instead of eating sandwiches during the day, you can make a healthier salad with tomatoes, feta and a little olive oil.

In addition to salads, it is also important to add more vegetable soup to the diet.

Don't skip breakfast. This is one of the most important rules of healthy eating. The Mediterranean diet requires the right breakfast. In other words, the first meal should consist of fiber-rich foods. The best choices are fruits and whole grains. By the way, if your breakfast includes a cup of coffee and a sandwich, then it is best to use whole wheat bread.

Seafood twice a week. This is one of the favorite techniques of all cardiologists. After all, marine fish and shellfish contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the healthy functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Tuna, salmon, herring, sardine or cod-the type of fish is not important, mainly because it is seafood. In addition to her, it is also good to pamper your body with shellfish, which also contain a lot of useful ingredients.

Vegetarian food for one day. This is another technique that can help train your body to eat like a real Mediterranean. Once a week, animal products should be completely excluded from the diet. Eat more beans, grains and plenty of vegetables. When your body gets used to this system, you can add another day of vegetarian food. As for red meat, ideally, its consumption should be reduced to 450 grams per month, and chicken is allowed to weigh approximately 1 kilogram within 30 days.

Eat the right fats. From the perspective of nutritionists and followers of the Mediterranean diet, the correct fats are olive oil, olives, avocados, nuts, seeds. From these foods, the body will obtain all the fatty acids it needs and avoid harmful saturated fats. The body should gradually get used to olive oil and replace it with other more familiar vegetable fats.

Don't forget dairy products. Dairy products contain some substances that the human body cannot obtain from other foods. In the Mediterranean diet, as the most useful nutritional system, cheese (at least remember blue cheese in France or mozzarella or parmesan in Italy), yogurt (most popular in Greece) and other fermented dairy products are not excluded. But they should not be abused. A cup of yogurt or milk and about 30 grams of cheese a day are considered good for health.

And dessert-fruit. Ice cream, butter cakes, baked goods-all of these are forbidden. Slender and healthy residents of the Mediterranean choose strawberries, fresh figs, grapes, apples and other sweets instead of these unhealthy desserts.

How to make the right menu

Recommended foods for the Mediterranean diet

The uniqueness of Mediterranean cuisine is that it is both very healthy and delicious. This is the case when we lose weight while eating delicious food, enhance our health, and improve our appearance.

Recommended daily food size:

  • Vegetables-100 grams of leafy vegetables and 50 grams of other vegetables;
  • Potatoes-100 grams;
  • Beans-100 grams;
  • Nuts-30 grams;
  • Fruit-1 apple, 1 banana, 1 orange, 200 grams of melon or watermelon, 30 grams of grapes (your choice);
  • Fish (or lean meat)-60 grams;
  • Grains-50-60 grams of pasta or rice, 25 grams of bread;
  • Dairy products-1 cup of milk or yogurt, 30 grams of cheese;
  • Egg-1 piece;
  • Wine-125 ml dry red wine.

Sample menu of the week in the table

on Monday
breakfast A glass of milk, olive oil bread and a few slices of cheese, an apple
dinner Arugula salad, radish soup, spinach potatoes, grilled mackerel, fruit
snack Whole wheat bread slices with apricot jam
dinner Asparagus Omelet, Goji Berries
on Tuesday
breakfast Hercules with Greek yogurt and strawberry, mint tea
dinner Tomato salad, fried chicken, spinach chickpeas, persimmon jelly
snack pear
dinner Escalivada, a slice of whole wheat bread with tomatoes, tuna with goat cheese, 2-3 apricots
on Wednesday
breakfast A glass of milk, a few slices of cheese, whole wheat bread, a peach
dinner Gazpacho, omelet, fruit
snack Cottage cheese with walnuts and honey
dinner Broccoli omelet, zucchini puree, bunch of grapes
breakfast 100 ml orange juice, oatmeal, a glass of milk or herbal tea
dinner Couscous, garlic stewed mushrooms, sardines, baked apples
snack Orciata
dinner Hummus, almond angling, 2-3 plums
breakfast Carrot apple juice, milk pudding
dinner Garlic soup, pesto gnocchi, fried dorado, radicchio salad, fruit
snack Bread with cheese and a handful of cherries
dinner Artichoke omelet with peaches
on Saturday
breakfast Whole wheat croutons, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese
dinner Roast lamb, salad, rice, grapefruit
snack fruit salad
dinner Whole wheat bread, nut cheese, papaya
on Sunday
breakfast Cereal, Greek yogurt, apple juice
dinner Tomato soup, fried salmon with sour cream sauce, salad, rice
snack Low-fat cheese, slice of bread
dinner Lentils with vegetables, mint tea

Canned olives, roasted artichokes, stuffed eggplants, stewed asparagus and fried broccoli, mushroom dishes, hundreds of salads and soups, and many fish and seafood dishes. All these and more other dishes are Mediterranean cuisine. Based on the large list of foods allowed in the diet, it is not difficult to create an original menu for a week or longer. But it is important to consider that your daily meal plan should include 4-5 meals.

The Mediterranean diet is not just a set of foods, but a way of life. Adhering to it can significantly improve your health, get rid of excess weight, and become a connoisseur of healthy and delicious food. Many celebrities have established their own nutritional system based on the Mediterranean diet. They show that star beauties Penelope Cruz, Britney Spears and Cindy Crawford have been in shape with the help of this nutritional system for many years.